Toronto CD Launch

The official Toronto launch of Da Slyme CD The 20 Year Scam was held in April at the Lion's Head Pub on Front Street. Representatives of the music industry were feted with Guiness, cod tongues and lots and lots of Da Slyme music.

Stig Stilletto (l) presenting Pasquale Neutron (r) with a copy of the 20 Year Scam at the Toronto Launch bash

At the lavish affair Stig Stilletto (L), bass and guitar with Da Slyme, made a formal presentation of the CD to Pasquali Neutron (R). Neutron was the original drummer with Da Slyme and had a hand in penning several of the more popular songs, including Newfie Rastaman. In fact, he is the featured vocalist on that track on THE 20 YEAR SCAM. He now lives and works in Toronto and handles publicity for Da Slyme in the Southern Ontario region of Canada.

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